Friday 22 August 2008

Taurus x Scorpio

Many Taurus have been madly attracted to their opposite sign Scorpio. The magnetic appeal of the Mars and Pluto-driven Scorpio is irresistible for you. Opposites do attract... Sounds great, isn't it.

The first meeting with Scorpio, Taurus will be overwhelmed. Even you don't know him yet, Taurus will probably be bewildered by his waves of passion. In the meantime, Scorpio will find Taurus very dynamic and strong, even though he may not say much at the beginning. Scorpio do feel the excitement in his company.

Scorpio is a fixed water (ice) sign.

The action of water on earth (Taurus) in this case will not be entirely fluid. The cold inflexibility of Scorpio will conflict with your earthy stick-to-your-guns approach. Head to head debates may happen often. His inflexibility, and stubbornness are definitely driving you crazy some time.

If the partnership is to work on a long term basis, both of you will need to learn to accept the other’s point of view, even when you or him disagree with it.

Scorpio needs to express love through sex, and this may flatter you at first. However, you will soon need something with more warmth, affectionate and sensitive. If it is not there, you may not be able to stay in the relationship. Sex is not the King! But, feeling on security is your true God.

The pluses here are that Scorpio will help you explore the part of you where love and sensuality can reach their peak, and you can help Scorpio get in touch with their softer side and learn to let go.

Oddly, this combination will bring challenges in the area of money and its control. Though you will nurture and love each other, these issues will become a major testing ground for you both. You will both need to make an effort here.

Most Scorpios will fare well with you, Taurus, but those born between 24 October and 2 November are ideal. They will, on the whole, be compatible emotionally, mentally and sexually. You can make long-term plans and commitments with them.

Mostly Taurus will fare well with him, but those born between 20 April and 29 April are by far the best suited. A true love match!


Tuesday 19 August 2008

Sunday 10 August 2008

Wednesday 6 August 2008

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